Sunday, May 09, 2004

I've been looking at sorting myself out with a new website. And I mean the whole shebang; URL, host, technology, design and content. I think I've found all of those, (obviously the content needs work) and hope to work on it after I get back from Florida at the end of the month. Its got a long way to go, but I'll post when I have something I want to show.
I handed in my final project on Friday. I think it turned out ok, so now its down to the presentation, which has been pushed back to Thursday. Hosting the project website on CreateUK has filled up my server space, so the other examples of my work have had to be removed temporarily, just one of the reasons prompting me to move on to a new server. My work is still being hosted on my Blueyonder mirror at but that will be going soon too, since I'll be disconnecting from Telewest when I move out of Plymouth.
Last night I went to Destiny nightclub for the first time. Not a bad place I have to say, but bloody hot! What was weird though was looking in a mirror and seeing no reflection of myself :o) We went to Heroes for a drink first and the toilet cubicles there have one way glass in the doors facing the wash basin mirror, so I couldn't see my own refection. A crappy story, but weird when you've been drinking since 12!

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