Tuesday, January 11, 2005

I received an email this morning from the people at jenniferavalon.net who said they had used my Blogger / MagpieRSS tutorial as the basis to develop their own technique for publishing posts on a set date. They were good enough to then write this up in their own tutorial: Autopublish-on-date, using Blogger and Magpie/PHP which you might want to check out.
On a completely unrelated note, I have come up with an idea for a Half-Life 2 mod (or maybe mods,) but don't want to reveal too much just yet until I get things going, either on my own or in a group. I got the SDK from Steam yesterday and had a brief look. Map making doesn't seem too bad for what I want to do, but I'll have to start taking a look at the code and see how to edit it to make the game.

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